Support PS4Trophies on Patreon

Published on August 18, 2015 by PS4Trophies

Support me on Patreon ►

Many of you have asked for it, so here it is. This is going to allow me to make more, and better content for you guys as well as provide more giveaways and other fun stuff. Check it out.

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★ This Game includes the following trophies ★



  • Berimbau Alex 9 years ago


  • TheZombiez Bozz 9 years ago


  • Azlan Rasool 9 years ago

    Third :P

  • joshua toomey 9 years ago

    This is like the third channel I’ve seen in a week asking for people to
    become a Patron. Instead of kicking starting games now we’re kicking
    starting YouTube channels.

  • HandySabe 9 years ago


  • mnmgaming 9 years ago

    Gunna support you on there man great work

  • Chris Q 9 years ago

    I love you

  • Yousef Gamer 9 years ago

    I Don’t Know What Should I Work When I Grow Up I Want To Be Something At
    The Gaming World So I Made A Youtube Channel And If I Had Any One Telling
    Me What Should I Post And What I Should Post About I Would Do It If I Can.
    Please Go To My Channel And Tell Me And I’ll Put Your Name In The Video

  • TruthHurts 9 years ago

    I don’t support e-beggars, sorry.

  • Astro Cyborg 9 years ago

    not e begging

  • Alexelbori1981 9 years ago

    I like a your channel im on xbox but your videos help me get my

  • Tom Brooks 9 years ago

    Another YouTuber asking for money. If you are only making $7/hr, maybe
    consider a career change. #really?

  • Jason Duran 9 years ago

    lol “pewdiepie” money

  • eddierios831 9 years ago

    Isn’t watching your videos enough!!?? ;(

  • Troster98 9 years ago

    “Many of you asked for it” what??? who would ask/ beg to give money to a
    youtuber?? lol

  • Bazviper69100 9 years ago

    I can understand developers asking for funding as they actually have to
    create a game but giving money for someone to play said game, no way.

  • Brandon Morales 9 years ago

    Hey Bryan! Pls say hello to me and i’ll donate $100 bucks!

  • TheRobotGAMER 9 years ago

    Join vessel

  • Ryan Miller 9 years ago

    I’ll definitely look into this! Thanks for all your guides as they have
    been a huge help!

  • Killerhdgaming 9 years ago

    I want to give money but I live in UK and it’s asking for dollars anyone
    know how to sort this out

  • Jacob Snyder 9 years ago

    A lot of comments so far seem to show quite a bit of hate towards this.
    Why? He said that you don’t have to donate anything so why does it bother
    you guys?

  • vivaladil 9 years ago

    Happy to chuck a few bucks your way a month Brian.

  • Tiny Guitarist 9 years ago

    I’ve been watching since Beyond Two Souls!

  • I Wont Knife U 9 years ago


  • XYaBoiiDeeBo25 9 years ago

    “Not everyone getting pewdiepie money”
    Shots fired!!

  • jarhead german 9 years ago

    Why not get a job? Or just live stream trophy hunting and support
    donations, a patreon for yourself is somewhat pathetic as your older and
    are perfectly capable of getting a job. You don’t have to do youtube and
    not working and hoping you’ll make enough on YouTube is a stupid mentality
    to have. Like the videos, not this one in particular. My two cents..

  • Jordan Whitehouse 9 years ago

    Think this is quite cheeky tbh…

  • ElNino Melendez 9 years ago

    getting a job would help, you don’t even reply to my trophy questions

  • Gaminguk 84 9 years ago

    I’ve always watched your videos. They’ve helped me. Thanks.

  • Fuji 9 years ago

    dude can you make a setup video?

  • Nathan Douglass 9 years ago

    Anyone hating on this, relax.
    As he said, nothing will change either way, it’s just to help support his
    channel for US, he even said in the video more than once that he doesn’t
    care if you don’t become a Patreon. He runs a great website and does a
    great job with his videos.

    If he does get a regular job as some of you are suggesting (which I’m sure
    he’ll do if he has to and this doesn’t help much) that just means less
    content for us.

    Plus, as he said, you get some extra stuff if you do support him and
    giveaways and such.

    No one is forcing you to give him money. Nothing will change. Just calmly
    ignore the video and watch something else.

  • ChapterRaptor 9 years ago

    I think people here are right. You need to be better at answering your fans
    when they write. I have also tried writing you with questions without ever
    getting a reply.

  • John Ruane 9 years ago

    Voice body mismatch.

  • JokeArtZ | Clash of Lords II 9 years ago

    Doing Trophy Hunting videos on youtube is not the same as what other
    youtubers do. You get a lot of less views for a lot more time spending so
    keep that in mind guys and support him if you can and if he helped you out
    much in the past.

  • david Maloney 9 years ago

    I can understand some one needing help if they were creating the content as
    in animation, music or independent films. But playing video games and
    recording it with the consoles and PC now do, so it’s not creative in that
    sense only requires a few hours a week to edit. And if he wants help he
    should interact with his subs more.

  • M4TRIXed 9 years ago

    Hahahaahaha!!! I thought you had a backpack on and I was like what the
    Also, nothing wrong with Patreon. Fans want to pay and the doesn’t have to
    be bothered to do anything (but they still complain, because you know,

  • mashour al shmari 9 years ago

    We want call of duty black ops 3 trophies

  • Elizabeth Rock 9 years ago

    you help me out a lot with the stuff I couldn’t find on my games I
    appreciate that so yes I want to donate 🙂
    you help me I’ll help you. #TheBest

  • spartankratos12 9 years ago

    You have my support

  • Bling Dan 9 years ago

    So , a lot of people says ” get a job ” or ” he’s just making videos ” . If
    this is what he wants to do , let him do it , maybe this is his dream . You
    don’t even know how hard it is to find how to do some trophies and video
    editing takes a lot of time . Also , there are more adolescents on YouTube
    who have 1+ million subscribers and they do nothing on their videos , or
    are just playing FIFA . Then , they show us their cars : Lamborghini ,
    Ferrari and other super cars .

    This guy puts a lot more effort in his videos and he said to give him 1
    dollar only if you can . He deserves much more respect .

  • The 007 9 years ago

    Lol no.

  • benjamin pacini 9 years ago

    Keep the hard work dude , I love your videos

  • Kamikrazee 9 years ago

    If I had money and a way to pay online, I would give you money but I’m
    still in school. I got 4 platinums in the past few weeks and without your
    guides it would’ve been a lot more difficult. Best of luck

  • Sony Soni 9 years ago


  • Shahariar Dipto 9 years ago

    i would definitely support you in future. there are some haters in the
    comments section. don’t forget people that some of those trophies were near
    impossible and he helped us get it. you don’t have donate no one is forcing
    you. but appreciate his work.

  • Sony Soni 9 years ago

    You are fucking loser.

  • VCurse 9 years ago

    Another youtuber bites the e begging train, Such a same. Also he has that
    youtube tip jar thing so people can donate there if they really want to.

  • kosmique 9 years ago

    so if your money gets better the content gets better? 😀 i dont get it.

  • Ash Redding (Ashbo Kesh) 9 years ago

    Fair play Brian, for being honest & not skirting round the fact that you
    want people to donate to what you are wanting to do. This is based on the
    continuous support he gets from us all for watching/liking & disliking his
    vids. By disliking it allows him to improve what he’s doing kind of in a
    way the reason for this video. Giving us the gamer a voice to enjoy gaming
    more & enjoy it with decent feedback & quality with it. No-one has to
    donate & by being upfront about giving you the option to donate is better
    than viewing his site then all of a sudden without warning you are told “to
    view this content, please pay here…” If I could earn a living playing vid
    games early like Brian does, make vids that are viewed in there 1000’s &
    become popular like he is & this is mainly through his Youtube channel,
    like a lot of us out there who love gaming I’m sure we’d all do it. Good
    luck mate.

  • chris25801 9 years ago

    He’s just greedy. Watch the subscriber count plummet now.

  • venom balor 9 years ago

    you people are fucking retarded, he is trying to make a living and you just
    say get a job?
    youtube is his job and he didn’t say you have to support him on patreon.
    but no you just jave to complain and say that he is greedy when you don’t
    even consider to support him. fuck you guys

  • Christopher McInerney 9 years ago

    Has long has I can still access the trophy vids it’s all gd

  • PillznarRy 9 years ago

    Wow. I did *not* think you looked the way you do.

    Not to imply you are ugly or something just that the person i had pictured
    in my head matched to the voice is *not* who i see here today connected to
    your voice.

    Either way love you man and grateful for all that you do!!! Thank you for
    being *you*!!!!

  • Sean Sullivan 9 years ago

    +TruthHurtz4u YouTube is in the category of a “Job”. Heck, look up “Job” on
    Google. If we’re following the ACTUALLY definition of job then this
    counts.(It’s a role in Society which is in exchange for payment etc)So if
    you have a job then stop bothering other people about it, it’s not like he
    can quit a job he enjoys and next day find another one, worlds tough man.
    His job is to make videos for entertainment, if there viewed he gets paid
    more… He gets paid because he can potentially bring more people into
    youtube, and then YouTube gets more money… You know what I mean

  • Sean Sullivan 9 years ago

    FOR ALL THE HATERS SAYING NOT A JOB. It is a job, wiki it. The haters on
    this video all have one thing in common: they have no evidence to what they
    claim. My evidence is the Internet. This “Job” Qualifies as a job…
    Surprisingly, his videos are simple tutorials, and there’s nothing to hate
    about it. Some jobs are REALLY f*cked up and go in the category. And one
    more thing (this is aimed at Truthhurtz4u) I understand you have a job and
    everything But Y do you get pissed at a guy who is actually nice and
    uploads good videos, this video is short but it takes a lot more time to
    edit the videos then you think about it. If you can’t handle The fact that
    he has a job that he enjoys then go hate someone who actually deserves it,
    like Smosh or maybe Poods(uploads 5-20 minute videos, gets paid 25k+ a day.

  • MCV GAMING 9 years ago

    Please please
    Please do a trophy guid for until dAwn

  • Prince biscuit 9 years ago

    this guy deserve the help ..
    if you want to donate it will be great .. but you if don’t want to then
    please spare us the the stupid comments

  • PiraMk 9 years ago

    I would love to donate since your guides helped me so much but i have no
    money :(

  • Sailor Moon Moments 9 years ago

    I’m pretty sure this is a scam. If you’re desperate for money then why
    don’t you get a job at McDonald’s flipping burgers? Quit being such a
    charity case.

  • Happy Hands 9 years ago

    Dude I can’t give you any money but I love your videos so much you do such
    a awesome job if you ever need help with a co-op trophy I’m your man (I
    know you probably have lots of people for that but if you ever need me I’m
    here) also feel free to check out my lame channel ^_^


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