Star Trek ~ The Video Game ~ Mothership Collectible Locations

Published on May 9, 2013 by PS4Trophies

Punch a Hole

0:16 Gorn Metal (1 of 2) – After landing on the mothership, turn around and behind you will be a large item you can scan

0:34 Gorn Metal (2 of 2) – From the beginning, a little bit up on the left there will be two triangle shaped objects on the ground next to the railing. Scan these.

0:51 Gorn Experiments (1 of 4) – About 40 feet up the path from the previous Metal, there will be a cocoon shaped object on the other side of the left railing.

0:59 Gorn Experiments (2 of 4) – After making your way through the first door, stay to the right. If you look on the ground will come across a couple hatches you can drop down into. Look for the second one which is across from a doorway. Drop down and just in front of you will be this scan.

1:27 Gorn Species Research (1 of 3) – After the last one, exit the tunnel and continue down the path. The path will turn left but instead, go through the door in front of you. Once you enter there will be a console just on your left.

1:48 Tribble #7 – In the same room with the previous item, you will find this in the back corner laying on the ground.

2:00 Gorn Species Research (2 of 3) – Exit the room that you got the previous two and turn right. Underneath a security camera at the end is this console.

2:25 Gorn Species Research (3 of 3) – from the previous research, you’ll need to enter one door to hack a terminal to unlock the next one that points you towards your objective. After entering that door follow the path and enter the next door on the right and you’ll find this item scan in the middle of the room.

2:58 Gorn Experiments (3 of 4) – After the section where you are jump from tower to tower you will climb up a ladder. Pry open the door and just beyond it you can view some green and orange pods off in the distance through an opening in the wall. From here, point your scanner between the green and orange pods.

3:19 Gorn Experiments (4 of 4) – After finding the third experiment, continue on and walk through the next door. Immediately upon entering this next area turn to your right and you’ll see this in the corner.

3:40 Gorn Sentinel – In the same room as above, you’ll extend a bridge to walk to the next section and then take a teleporter to another. Here a Gorn Sentinel will spawn. Make sure to scan it. This is the only Sentinel in the game.


3:58 Gorn Advance Tech (2 of 2) – This is during the engagement with the computer core where you have to hack several computers and deal with a room full of enemies. This first piece to scan is the eye itself. You can not scan it until you have reach the highest level through teleporters.

4:20 Gorn Advance Tech (1 of 2) When you have destroyed the computer you will need to take one more teleport to get back down. As soon as you teleport, turn around and this final research item will near you. .


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