Star Trek ~ The Video Game ~ Helios-1 Collectible Locations

Published on May 5, 2013 by PS4Trophies

0:17 T’Mar’s Audio Log #1 – In the room with the first hacking terminal you found by following the wires. It’ll be on the ground to the right of the terminal.

0:27 Vulcan Hypospray – In the same room as above, on a desk behind the hacking terminal

0:38 Helios Engineering Schematic – After disabling the laser arm, and going through a chamber that you need to duck to avoid more lasers, there will be a cutscene. As soon as the cut scene is over, in the same room, there will be a hologram floating in the center of the room. Scan the center of it.

0:56 Surok’s Audio Log #1 – You will leave the room with the previous research item and enter a turbolift. Once you get off it, you will be in an area with two scan-able items. The audio log will be on the left side on just after leaving the turbolift.

1:05 Tribble #1 – This is in the same area as the previous. Just ahead, there will be a doorway that is cut-out in the middle. Peep through the opening and on the left side will be the first Tribble.

1:21 Helios Control Cluster – After the section where you shoot blue vents to create cover you will reach a cut scene. As soon as you can control your character, you will be standing next to a console that you need to scan.

1:30 T’Mar’s Audio Log #2 – Just 10 feet to the left from the previous research item. .


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