DESTINY 2 OPEN BETA – The Inverted Spire Strike, Crucible PVP, & Homecoming Story Mission

Published on July 18, 2017 by PS4Trophies

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Destiny 2 Open Beta gameplay with my Destiny guru, Ed. Included in the beta is a story mission called Homecoming, 2 PVP Crucible maps Midtown and Endless Vale on the Countdown and Control game modes along with one co-operative strike called The Inverted Spire.

Humanity’s last safe city has fallen to an overwhelming invasion force, led by Ghaul, the imposing commander of the brutal Red Legion. He has stripped the city’s Guardians of their power, and forced the survivors to flee. You will venture to mysterious, unexplored worlds of our solar system to discover an arsenal of weapons and devastating new combat abilities. To defeat the Red Legion and confront Ghaul, you must reunite humanity’s scattered heroes, stand together, and fight back to reclaim our home.

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★ This Game includes the following trophies ★

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