Originally aired at Lucca Comics & Games, this trailer gives a sneak peek to magical Kingdom of Corona. Rapunzel leaves her mysterious tower for the first time with the help of charming bandit Flynn Rider. Sora, Donald and Goofy join the pair on their journey to the kingdom, taking on the Heartless along the way.
ReplyCan we get some FF characters PLEASE!!
ReplyStill waiting for the last of us part 2
ReplyAll right…one finished world
ReplyWhen you walk away……..
ReplyThis game looks fun, if your 5 years old
ReplyI’ll skip this game
Reply22 views and 50 likes, makes sense
ReplyMy name Chegg
ReplyEnglish galore
ReplyHow many years I have waited for this game
ReplyAmazing kingdom Hearts 3,i love you
Reply0:22 That nobody has to be related to Marluxia. Similar scythe and flower petal…
ReplyIf Kindgom Hearts didn’t have so many frustrating unfair boss battles I’d be excited for this
ReplyJanuary 2019 is going to be epic!
We will be getting this and Resident Evil 2 Remake:)
ReplyMeh. Don’t like the over the top vehicle combat and “summons” plus, where are the ff characters? Dont like Disney princesses I guess. Maybe this isn’t the game for me. Lol
ReplyEhm I’m the only one who see around 0:12 something wrong with her hair?
ReplyOk I’m not angry anymore that it took a long time for this game to be finished!
KINGDOM HEARTS 3!!!! Only 2 more months. AHHHH
ReplySora for smash
ReplyQue belleza.
ReplyStop teasing us and give us the game already! I CAN ONLY GET SO HARD…
ReplyI just Get happy instantly When I watch these trailers
Replynext year
ReplyBattlefield V Karol Sevilla Resident Evil Dx Disney
ReplyWhat? No one got norted this time?
Replythat so doesn’t sound like the Rapunzel from the movie o well 1 more character that doesn’t have there original voice over, im guessing that is why they took forever to give us there voices, only 2 months and several days til I put life on hold and play the ever living daylights out of this 10 years plus waited for game
ReplyAlmost time
ReplyThey forgot to offset the keys for their mouth movements to be just before the sound. Especially obvious when finn says “kingdom”
ReplyI hope we get somthing new soon I don’t want this game to only have 7 Disney world’s
ReplyBest Day Ever! > January 29 2019
ReplyThis is gonna be the greatest game of all time!!!
ReplyRelease date on january? Yea right im smelling another delay!
ReplyAnyone else have the individual PS4 version games and also got The Story So Far on disc?
I sure did!
ReplyI just wish they didn’t show off all the planets, would like some surprises
ReplyOnly 2 months guys…… only two months…..
ReplyStop showing off all the world’s!
ReplyI saw “Lucca” and was hoping against hope it was a Chrono Trigger tie-in <:[