The Last of Us Collectibles – All 37 Optional Conversations

There are 37 optional conversations that you need to listen to. You will have a  prompt to initiate these. listening to these will earn you the I want to talk about it trophy.

There are issues with the game keeping track of the conversations and its leaving people with 36/37. After each conversation, check your statistics screen in the pause menu. If it didn’t count it, try reloading your checkpoint.

Please be aware that there are many more than 37 optional conversations in the game, but only these listed below will count towards the trophy. The others will not count


 #1 – Located in Chapter 2 in the Quarantine Zone when you get out into the street. You will come across a security checkpoint. Instead of going to the security checkpoint, there will two people you can initiate the conversation with along the right side of the street as you approach the security checkpoint.

 #2 – This is will be a little further on in Chapter 2 after you have collected your gear and made it back to the surface through a building. Follow Tess and she’ll stop just outside and you can start an optional conversation with her.


 #3 – Right at the beginning of The Outskirts chapter, talk to Tess while she’s standing at a window.

 #4 – When you enter Downtown in The Outskirts you will enter a building. You will run into a deceased soldier with an optional conversation trigger.

 #5 – In the Museum’s top floor, you will have to deal with a bunch of runners. After this encounter talk to Tess near the window. This is right before you exit the Museum through that window. It may take a moment for Tess and Ellie to get to the window. While in this location, see the next conversation below

 #6 – In the same location, talk to Ellie


 #7 – In the next chapter, Bill’s Town, you will come to the main street. Across from where you enter this area from is a Pizza shop with an arcade machine. Approach this machine and Ellie will give you the prompt for this conversation.

 #8 – Once you reach Bill’s bar in the Safehouse section of Bill’s Town, there will be a chess set on one of tables.

 #9 – Further into the Bill’s Town level you will come to a house with an empty pool in the backyard. On the second floor of this house you can talk to Ellie in a child’s room on the second floor.

 #10 – After escaping the high school at the end of Bill’s Town, you will come to a house with a pickup truck you’ll need to push. Before pushing the truck out of the garage, talk to Ellie while she’s in the driver’s seat. Then make sure you take care of the next optional conversation as well

 #11 – In the same house with the truck, there is a “Note from Frank” that you need to collect. After getting it, take it to Bill and you can earn this conversation. Make sure to pick the note back up when he tosses it to the ground.


 #12 – After making it to Pittsburgh and dealing with the troubles that meet you there, you and Ellie will enter through a garage door. In this room, you can talk to Ellie.

 #13 – After this previous conversation you will head back outside and make it to a street. Just ahead will be a bus with a comic book you can collect. Just past that bus there will be a white car on the right side of the road with a body lying next to it. Have a conversation with Ellie here.

 #14 – A little further ahead in Pittsburgh, you will cross over the top of a bus to an abandoned security checkpoint. To the right of this area is some graffiti on a wall that will allow you have a discussion with Ellie in regards to the message.

 #15 – Pittsburgh’s first sub-chapter is once again the home of this conversation. After exiting the large bookstore you will come upon a street. To the left will be the “Red X” Shiv door, but if you turn right on this street and follow the right wall you will come to a large ad featuring a woman model. Go there and then you will be able to initiate a conversation with Ellie.

 #16 – In the Pittsburgh chapter, you will finally make your way to the Hotel. As soon as you drop down into the main floor, head to the left side of this area and there will be a coffee machine that will give you the  trigger.

 #17 – This is on the third floor once you enter the Hotel Rooms area. Look for two bodies lying in a bathtub and you can have a conversation with Ellie.

 #18 – Much further into the Hotel, you will come to a ballroom. In this area, to the right, is a photo backdrop. Stand there and wait for Ellie.

 #19 – As soon as you enter the Financial District, there will be a body hanging near the bank. This is the location of another optional conversation with Ellie.

 #20 – Further into Financial District, you will climb a fire escape. Once you return to the street, look for a sign for a Military Preparatory School sign hanging on a gate. It’ll be just in front of you when you drop down and in front of the police car

 #21 – Just ahead in the same area, there will be a Billboard for the movie “Dawn of the Wolf”. This will give you another optional conversation trigger.


 #22 – Moving onto the Suburbs chapter, make your way to the neighborhood after escaping the sewer area. Walk down the street and where the road curves, there will be a house with the words “Will Shoot on Sight” painted on the side of it. This is the trigger for another conversation.

 #23 – Just a bit further there will be an ice cream truck. Approach this and you’ll be given another optional conversation.

 #24 – The final house on this street in the Suburbs has the final optional conversation. Clear the house of the other three collectibles, and when you make your way back downstairs the kids should be playing darts. When they are done, pick up a dart and toss it to earn this.


 #25 – You’ll make your way to Tommy’s Dam. After crossing over a walkway that you need to raise and before heading to the next section with the shack, walk further back down the river and you will come to a “teddy bear” that will be the trigger for this one.

 #26 – You will be greeted by Tommy and his wife at the Dam. When they let you into the next area walk back to some horses and talk to Ellie.

 #27 – When you follow your bother in the upper side of the dam to talk, go to the right side to find a women with a sniper rifle. Talk to her.


 #28 – When you reach The University, there will be a garage depot on the right side with a workbench. If you pass by this and look up and to your left, you will see a large banner hanging on the side of the building that will initiate this.

 #29 – Further into The University chapter, you will reach a large area with a statue in the middle of as well as some monkey’s lingering around. From here you will need to go to the far opposite side and enter the dormitory. Before entering, there is a Firefly symbol on the outside of the building that sparks this.

 #30 – When you reach the Science Building, you will be able to have a conversation that is sparked by some Firefly supplies at the bottom of some stairs.


 #31 – You’ll find yourself in the Chapter “Lakeside Resort”. Eventually you will find you and David near an elevator area. This is the area where you will fend off several waves of enemies. There will be a dead body lying on the ground that you can talk to David about.


 #32 – Make your way now to the Bus Depot chapter. Joel will talk about teaching Ellie guitar right near the start. After which Ellie will display a  above her head which you can then initiate the conversation with.

 #33 – Just a hair further into the level, there will be a bus on the right side with an advertisement for Air West airlines. Ellie will stop near it and give you the opportunity to talk to her about it.

 #34 – Inside the bus station, Ellie will sit on a bench. Talk to her before grabbing the ladder and then trigger he conversation on the ladder itself.

 #35 – You will encounter a giraffe close up. Walk up to it and hit 

 #36 – And just a bit further from the previous trigger, you will make it up to a roof. From here you can press  to initiate this conversation.

 #37 – The final conversation is also one that you will need for a collectible. You will be in the Triage area with the large white tent and several smaller ones. On the opposite side you will approach a bus that will trigger a moment for you to interact with Ellie. This is when you get the Joel & Sarah picture.


Select a Chapter/Guide

Chapter  2 – Quarantine Zone (note, there are none in Chapter 1)
Chapter 3 – The Outskirts
Chapter 4 – Bill’s Town
Chapter 5 – Pittsburgh
Chapter 6 – The Suburbs
Chapter 7 – Tommy’s Dam
Chapter 8 – The University
Chapter 9 – Lakeside Resort
Chapter 10 – Bus Depot
Chapter 11 & 12 – Firefly Lab and Jackson

All 37 Optional Conversations
All 5 Ellie Joke Conversations
Toolbox Locations
Shiv Doors


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