The Witness – All 6 Theater Movies (Windmill Area) & Hexagon Paper Puzzle Collectibles Locations

Published on February 1, 2016 by PS4Trophies

There are 6 paper hexagon puzzle solutions hidden in the world. Input these hexagon solutions into the puzzle in the theater accessible under the windmill.

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★ The Witness includes the following trophies ★

Platinum (Platinum)
Get every trophy

Shady Tress (Gold)
Activate the Shady Trees laser

Symmetry (Silver)
Activate the Symmetry laser

Desert Ruin (Gold)
Activate the Desert Ruin laser

Treehouses (Gold)
Activate the Treehouse laser

Keep (Silver)
Activate the Keep laser

Quarry (Gold)
Activate the Quarry laser

Marsh (Gold)
Activate the Marsh laser

Jungle (Gold)
Activate the Jungle laser

Monastery (Gold)
Activate the Monastery laser

Bunker (Gold)
Activate the Bunker laser

Town (Gold)
Activate the Town laser

Endgame (Gold)
Reach the end

Challenge (Gold)
Complete a certain challenge

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