Days Gone – Accolades Trailer PS4



  • PsyGnosiS 5 years ago

    too white guy and zombies are all white ,the snow is so white..the cloud 5/10 GameSpot

  • Arthurian 12 5 years ago


  • devin santana 5 years ago

    World War Z > Days Gone

  • Fernando_Online Videos 5 years ago

    Broke game, no multiplayer, super downgrade, no fun with deluxe available.

  • shtik 5 years ago

    Not a great game, but it ain’t as bad as some reviews make it out to be.

  • Dog of War 5 years ago

    I have never disagreed with reviewers more. I love Days Gone, I wish I bought the Collectors Edition.

  • Ace of weebs 5 years ago

    I don’t mean to be that guy but I only wished that you to chill with the zombie fighting games. I mean we are about to basically getting over flooded with games Reich World War Z and most other games you have. You know that it doesn’t have to involve zombie directory or different versions of it revolving around zombies so try less (Kill the zombies) games and maybe make a new type of genre to spice things up. Maybe just maybe you could be you could create a new kind of genre instead of fighting zombies.

  • Abraham 1 5 years ago

    6/10 IGN

    U forgot to add that uhmmmmmm

  • Scarydave 724 5 years ago

    Game of the year
    My Favorite Game

  • elpresador mind fucks so slob 5 years ago

    Days gone – 1

    Sjw – 0

  • yazeed يزيد 5 years ago

    like number 999 ✌️

  • A Y 5 years ago

    People berating IGN and Gamespot. Pretty much every top game critic has rated this game mixed at best. You fans are just in denial.

  • Bultovo_Doupě 5 years ago

    Well if you like downgraded game where is tons of bugs stupid AI and going under textures or missing textures it must be game of the year then.

  • J W 5 years ago

    Just Cause 3 > Days Gone

  • TheSlackassCrew 5 years ago

    An other homerun for sony and their games!

  • J Briggs 5 years ago

    I can’t risk 90 bucks on a 5/10 game

  • Kyalliara 009 5 years ago

    worst game i’ve ever played

  • The Canadian Ginger 5 years ago

    Been loving the game so far. Really enjoy just driving around and watching hordes running after me.

  • Nelson De Pena 5 years ago

    Great game. Go Bend Studio

  • Fizzbox gaming 5 years ago

    Anyone mind gamesharing?

  • locke cole 5 years ago

    Underrated game!

  • Pedro Pais 5 years ago

    “Unexpectedly deep story” Let that sink in…

  • Nick M 5 years ago

    Great game

  • Festus M 5 years ago

    Days gone = waiting room for the last of us

  • Brox_T 5 years ago

    Where is IGN and gamespot LOL 5/5 ??? Paid reviews this has poor AI btw.

  • Gaming Fun 5 years ago

    Can’t wait to get the platinum trophy to this game

  • Martin Garcia Arvidson 5 years ago

    It’s a great game don’t care what anyone says.

  • Alex H 5 years ago

    Here come the “Where is The Last of Us 2” comments, because other games aren’t allowed to exist apparently.

  • Tiny Marsh 5 years ago

    Was on the fence for ages as to whether or not I should purchase this. So glad I did! The world is beautiful, combat is very satisfying, photo mode offers excellent creative opportunities, and I’m excited to see where the story leads.

    It’s worth mentioning too that Bend have been very responsive to reports of technical issues and have continually improved the game since launch.

  • Dragoner Productions 5 years ago

    Ya it’s not great actually

  • PFEFFER :] 5 years ago

    We need Multiplayer Mode!!!!

  • MCONERACER 5 years ago

    Goty 2019 Top graphic, Soundtrack and Story with cool gamrplay

  • MCONERACER 5 years ago

    Its a fantastic game

  • Androis Fit 5 years ago

    Ps3 graphics though

  • WA LID 5 years ago

    اللهجة المصرية مقرفة جدا نحن نريد منكم دعم اللغة العربية الفصحى فقط في جميع العابكم

  • bruce wayne 5 years ago

    Ign 6.5

  • eriktheawful 5 years ago

    Bleacher Report…. where I go for all my gaming reviews. Lol

  • King Ulysses 5 years ago

    Fck IGN and GameSpot. This game is amazing!!!!!

  • Daves MidnightGaming&EntertainmentHour 5 years ago

    More like day gone wrong

  • Leon Alexander 9928 5 years ago

    This ain’t a masterpiece

    But it’s a heck of a game

  • Pablo Kunschek 5 years ago

    Llevo 15hs de juego y me encanta,no me parece repetitivo ni nada de eso,pero la cantidad de bugs,y uno en particular que me hace reiniciar la play,se queda sin el sonido de la moto,los pasos ,los engendros,etcétera ,pero si se escucha cuando pegas melee o cuando disparas(ya me paso 4 veces),otra cosa que me hace reiniciar y comerme las interminables pantallas de carga es cuando el sonido de las voces queda completamente desfasado de las articulaciones de los personajes, no son detalles mínimos viniendo de un triple A,pero quizás lo peor es algo que te acompaña todo el juego y son las malditas bajadas de frames,son constantes cuando andas en moto,aveces prefiero no acelerar para que la pantalla cargue porque sino me provoca un verdadero dolor de cabeza(motion sicknes),sin mencionar que puedes adivinar cuando aparecerán engendros en el mapeado ya que cuando todo funciona fluido y se caen los frames súbitamente, es porque el juego tuvo que cargar el respawn de los bichos,le quita toda naturalidad, el juego está bien,se merece un aceptable,más que nada por los graficos,pero es para un 6.5 de nota máximo, si arreglaran los 1000problemas con los que lanzaron el juego,quizás llegaría a ser un juego de 7.5,no esperen más que eso, este comentario lo escribo mas que nada para gente que todavía no lo a comprado,espero les sirva,saludos

  • crazycat690 5 years ago

    Loving this game! Finally I’ve gotten my hands on the zombie game I’ve been craving for so long, kudos to Bend for getting this done!

  • Rein Joaquin 5 years ago

    The biggest problem is fps the bugs is given because it’s an open world game but man this game is a lots of fun

  • Bobby Caldwell 5 years ago

    Gamespot gave it a lower score than Mad Max……. Boooo

  • moussa hassaine 5 years ago


  • Yuni X2 5 years ago

    I truly love and fear the world Sony Bend has created.

  • Nishant Sengar 5 years ago

    I’m glad no place for whiney IGN or Gamespot in the accolades

  • shmeks695 5 years ago

    I agree with this video

  • Are You Feeling It Now 5 years ago

    I wish it was 2 player coop just 2

  • Mr Nobody 5 years ago

    Surely stands strong with other PS4 exclusives, also I am glad people keep supporting Days Gone, even after critics slammed it for some reason.

  • TheKidd2013 5 years ago

    Bought the collector’s edition, the game is incredibly fun, haven’t stopped playing since I got it

  • Edin Djencic 5 years ago

    What are you doing here watching this go play the game it’s crazy fun

  • ber seb 5 years ago

    This game is not perfect and lack of finish but it’s a beautiful game in the open world which is hard to get out .. you need a suite on PS5 GG Bendstudio !!!!

  • Dinu Bogdan 5 years ago

    I want to improve shooting mechanic but overall it s a great game.

  • Amada Foca 5 years ago


  • Bozo 5 years ago

    Wheres IGN’s review

    oh wait….

  • yousini 5 years ago

    ROFL that cherrypicking. Metacritic 71 lol

  • Chrono Red 5 years ago

    Gamespot review is what sold me on getting this game.

  • foberdud 5 years ago

    Yea I’ve been really enjoying days gone, got some odd issues but they are supremely overshadowed by the excellent execution overall of the experience.

  • Nicholas Snyder 5 years ago

    Go Sony, way to support one of your most talented studios, way to go Bend, Days Gone is simply awsome.

  • uğur tanrıvermiş 5 years ago

    Fantastic work

  • Jameel Far 5 years ago

    what an amazing game enjoying it soomuch a last of us openworld game that i always wanted stupid reviewers who gave it an undeserving low points

  • Jacob Seed 5 years ago

    This is absolutely my fav ps4 exclusive and game that I have played

  • KartaL Boii 5 years ago

    when is a co op coming out…

  • Adel youtuber 5 years ago

    For the people saying “looks like Sony mest up so much this time”
    Just compare what ps4 offers when making a game with glitches and lame story (as people say) “Days gone” vs what xbox offers when making a bad game “ckrackdown 3”
    Coming from an xbox fan

  • mylifeintheknifetrade 5 years ago

    This is my favorite PS4 exclusive. Not even ashamed to say it. This game is way better than you’ve heard. I didn’t play it prior to the release day patch, though. I was down on this game before it released, but it’s made a believer out of me. Exploring this world, stealthing around, experiencing the high quality cutscenes we’ve come to expect from Sony games, and enjoying the incredible graphics, the dynamic weather effects, etc. My only complaint is that you can tell that the flashback scenes were once interspersed between gameplay segments. I would’ve loved to play through those parts.

  • PatYEET 5 years ago

    Really a great game although some critics say something else.

  • diego fuego 5 years ago

    It’s cool but you guys need to fix the frame rate problem it’s annoying

  • Skrap Pap Pap 5 years ago

    This game is 8/10 for me

  • Thiago Silva 5 years ago

    Just fix all those bugs right?

  • Michelle Perez Morales 5 years ago

    Amazing game!! IGN=ignorant Gaming Network.

  • Occifer FigPucker 5 years ago

    But is it the highest rated game on PS4? No? Still Red Dead Redemption 2? I’ll just stick to that.

  • R/Y 5 years ago

    IGN gave this game a 6.5/10, that is beyond ridiculous and brings the question to me…. Is this just a paid review from Microsoft, HUH?!?!?!

  • Antonio 5 years ago

    This game is frickin awesome. Long time have I waited for this kind of game. Thank you SONY and SONY BEND

  • James eagle 5 years ago

    Eh, it’s a 7.5/10 at best!

  • MixalisRed7 5 years ago

    So far everything is amazing.. Atmoslhere, combat, exploration, reasons to explore, all amazing. Get it if u are on the fence and u like that sort of games.

  • TheMetalhead644 5 years ago

    I’m playing since the launch day and this game is awesome. One of the best built post-apocalyptic worlds in recent videogames with a lot of non-scripted adventures! GG Bend!

  • Businessrakete 5 years ago

    Underrated Game

  • for me and my family 5 years ago

    this is the best game ive played in years o hope you guys make more this game is was and will be grate to play just plz make the Sarah and decon story go more and plz dont kill Sarah or decon i like them both more her

  • guy good 5 years ago

    Gamespot – 5/10 “Why are there only white zombies?”

  • Dexter Morgan 5 years ago

    Love this game

  • Justice For Seth Rich WWG1WGA 5 years ago

    Main character is *White* and rides a bike 3/10 – IGN

  • E V 5 years ago

    Play the game because I feel like reviewers Are in the twilight zone.

  • Ali Hani 5 years ago

    Well done Bend Studio

  • Defa Noob 5 years ago

    The majority of people just hating on the game and I’m over here running down freakers with my bike

  • John Bonilla 5 years ago

    I cannot stand this game it makes me wanna kms it’s so trash

  • Gregory Miranda 5 years ago

    Some people don’t like this game but not us, not us.

  • Jordom 5 years ago

    Don’t lie now.

  • Gerald Wong 5 years ago

    A lotta critics may hate this game but in a few years it’s bound to be a cult favorite and classic.  Actually it already is.

  • Everything 5 years ago

    I love the game. Just still too much bugs.

  • Simeon Chambers 5 years ago

    Deacon St.John is my favorite new gruff “white male” . Solid and immersive game.

  • yousuf yasir 5 years ago

    Regardless of the reveiws, I love this game to bits. Wish they added a coop feature, but its still fun anyways.

  • justin why?. 5 years ago

    where are the 6 or 7s this game got?


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